Town Square Master Plan
Ketchum Town Square was unveiled (in phases) in 2010 as a vibrant and interactive communal space for the residents of the town. The project successfully brought together various elements, including seating areas, fountains, fire pit, green space, artistic installations, and a stage to establish a hub where people could gather, socialize, and engage in a multitude of activities.
As time has passed, the equipment and infrastructure integral to the success of the project are showing signs of wear and obsolescence. Several aspects could also be adjusted to improve functionality and user experience.
Additionally, the lease with Starbucks expires in approximately three years (November 2026). The lease revenues do not cover all operational costs associated with the building. There are also several deferred long-term maintenance items – the roof and HVAC system need replacing, the bathrooms are not ADA compliant, the decorative logs are pulling away, etc.
Thus, the city has contracted with firm GGLO to design a master plan as an avenue to engage the public to better understand the current level of satisfaction with both Town Square and the Visitor Center building to inform both future public investments as well as direction regarding the solicitation of a new lease.
Now is the time to evaluate the maintenance and upgrade needs and goals (drafted below) for this long term investment.