Warm Springs Preserve

Priorities for the Preserve include off-leash dog access, creek and habitat restoration, new water-conscious irrigation system, walking trails, informal gatherings and activities, Nordic ski and snowshoe trails, and public restrooms. Development, organized sports and reserved private or commercial events would be restricted.

View the Master Plan here:

Frequently Asked Questions
(Click here for a printable version.)
Preserve expectations include:
- Open from dawn to dusk
- Pick up after your pets
- No motor vehicles or overnight parking
- No camping or fires
- Be respectful of the space, its visitors, and its neighbors
The City of Ketchum was selected as the entity to pursue the purchase of what is now known as Warm Springs Preserve. The city has an extensive history of maintaining public parks: partners with Blaine County School District at Atkinson Park, manages the pump park, and previously accepted a donation of Farnlun Park (to remain a park in perpetuity). Warm Springs Preserve represents an iconic piece of our community with significant conservation value and the city is well-equipped to manage the Warm Springs Preserve.
The Deed Restrictions outline the terms of the purchase and specify what can and cannot happen on the Warms Springs Preserve property in perpetuity.
- The drafted Deed Restrictions officially went into place when the city closed on the acquisition of the property in April of 2022.
- The city recently launched a Master Plan process. This effort will allow the public to provide feedback regarding the details of establishing new trails, adding public restrooms and a maintenance shed, re-vegetation to conserve water, and creek restoration to improve natural habitat and reduce flood risks to adjacent properties.
- As outlined since the start of the campaign, the City of Ketchum is committed to the following priorities for Warm Springs Preserve:
- A passive park for open space in perpetuity
- Off-leash dog access
- Informal activities (i.e., disc golf, dog walking)
- Informal gatherings (i.e., picnics)
- Nordic trails
- Public restroom
- New irrigation system to preserve water/reduce maintenance costs
- Restoration of riparian zone adjacent to Warm Springs Creek and its flood plain connector trail
The Wood River Land Trust, with its extensive experience and expertise, is partnering with Ketchum for the Master Plan process. While the plan is expected to be completed by early 2023, several of the projects proposed may take years to implement…but will be well worth the wait!
The city retained a professional design team with experience in similar master planning efforts to complete the project. Significant public engagement will occur throughout the process with the City Council as the final approval body of the plan.
- May 2022 – retained design team for Master Plan
- June 21st – Summer Solstice public launch event at Warm Springs Preserve (thank you to everyone who joined us!)
- September – November 2022 – conduct public engagement opportunities
- January – April 2023 – Submit for final approval and permitting
- Summer – Fall 2023 – Phase I improvements (donor wall, signage, benches)
- 2023+ – Phase II: public restroom & maintenance building, new irrigation system, revegetation, and trail, flood & stream restoration
We are compiling estimates for annual operating costs based on the existing property, projections for annual operating expenses based on improvements, and itemized estimates for the improvement projects under consideration
The city obtained senior water rights as part of the acquisition. Water right 37-212A is extremely valuable because of the amount of water that is allotted, the priority date (June 1888) and it’s a surface water right (comes directly from the creek). This water right allows for the irrigation of the entire grassy area to be pulled from sources other than municipal water. The older the water right, the more valuable it is because it has senior rights.
- Historically, the irrigation has all existed well within the water rights and with a more efficient irrigation system, we anticipate that will continue to be true
- Should the City ever lease excess water rights associated with Warm Springs Preserve, those funds will support the maintenance of the property. Leasing is a common practice in Idaho to preserve the water right for future use.
The ongoing maintenance and operations budget will be paid by the City of Ketchum. With an established Facilities Department managing 17 other parks and open spaces; the management and scale of economics will be easily incorporated.
- Ongoing maintenance costs include the following: Power for the irrigation, dog waste/trash clean-up, mowing, Nordic trail grooming, plowing, etc.
- During the acquisition process, the City raised $8m to purchase the property as well as an additional $1m to fund the initial irrigation improvements, necessary revegetation, and the construction of a public restroom.
- Should other needed improvements (beyond annual maintenance) be identified during the master planning process, the City of Ketchum will manage any fundraising required to fulfill any future specific capital improvement projects.
- If you are interested in supporting the Warm Springs Preserve and costs to maintain the property, tax deductible donations may be made to the City of Ketchum’s Warm Springs Preserve Trust Account. These funds will not go to any other city projects – the account’s use is explicit to the property.
The irrigation system the city inherited with the property is incredibly outdated and thus requires a more ‘hands-on’ approach than more modern systems – re: the city does not have a staffer in place during the evening hours to manage the irrigation. The master plan’s intended improvements will resolve this issue.
Continued access for dogs (both on- and off-leash) is a priority and will continue to be part of the Warm Springs Preserve uses. Additional allowances include:
- Informal activities (i.e., frisbee golf, dog walking)
- Informal gatherings (i.e., picnics)
- Nordic trail(s)
- Public restroom(s)
- Restoration of Warm Springs Creek and its riparian zone and floodplain connector trail
- New irrigation system to preserve water/reduce maintenance costs
- One annual public fundraising event hosted by the City of Ketchum
The following is NOT allowed:
- Development
- Organized sports
- Reserved private or commercial events
Checks shall be made payable to “City of Ketchum” with “Warm Springs Preserve Fund” noted in the memo field. Checks may be dropped off at City Hall (191 5th Street West) or mailed to PO Box 2315, Ketchum, ID 83340. Donations may also be made online at right!
Property Acquisition
April 14
Plan Adoption
April 2023
Permit Process
1st half of 2023
Construction Starts!